Group Introduction

私達PRチームは、グローカルフェスティバルの広報を担当しています。今後も各種SNS(Instagram, Facebook, YouTube)やWebサイトを通じて、皆さんにグローカルフェスティバルの魅力をお伝えしていきます。
PR team is in charge of promoting the Glocal Festival. We will continue to use various SNS (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) and our website to convey the appeal of the Glocal Festival to everyone.
We also plan to do Instagram live on the day, so please be sure to check that out too.
If you have any questions about the festival, please send us a message via SNS✨
We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you!

はいさ~い。私たちは、クラウドファンディングチームです。 運営だけではなく、異文化交流、そして環境のため、脱プラスチックを意識して、なるべくプラスチックを使用しないように、取り組んでいます。 前回の成功に続き、再びこの素晴らしいプロジェクトを支援するために動き始めました。私たちは今年の12月に開催される予定のフェスティバルの運営のために、前回のプロジェクトでお金を募りました。 ご支援のおかげで目標達成に至り、本当に嬉しく思います!これからも頑張ってまいりますので、引き続き応援いただけると幸いです。心より感謝申し上げます!
Hello everyone, we are the crowdfunding team! Our most important goal for this festival is to make it as plastic free as possible, we strongly believe that by focusing on this we can start a movement to create less waste in our local community. We would also like to thank everyone who supported all our projects so far, the next one is taking place this December, and we would love to see you all there! With the bottom of our hearts, thank you once again for everything!
안녕허우꽈(‘안녕하세요’의 제주 방언). 저희는 크라우드 펀딩 팀입니다. 운영뿐만 아니라 다문화 교류, 그리고 환경을 위해 플라스틱 사용을 최대한 자제하는 탈플라스틱을 의식하고 노력하고 있습니다. 지난번의 성공에 이어 다시 한 번 이 멋진 프로젝트를 지원하기 위해 활동을 시작하게 되었습니다. 우리는 지난 프로젝트에서 올해 12월에 열릴 예정인 페스티벌의 운영을 위해 모금을 진행했습니다. 여러분의 성원 덕분에 목표를 달성할 수 있게 되어 정말 기쁘게 생각합니다! 앞으로도 열심히 노력하겠으니 계속 응원해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 진심으로 감사드립니다!

受付チームの 6 人は、グローカル フェスティバルに訪れるすべてのゲストを歓迎します。会場のあちこちでは、私たちが招待してきた沖縄の妖精キジムナに会えます。いろんな国の伝統衣装を着た可愛いキジムナと写真を撮ってみてください。イベントホールのタイムライン·デコレーションでは各国のクリスマスから正月までの過ごし方をご紹介していますので、是非いろんな文化に触れてグローカルな時間をお過ごしください。当日入場口でお待ちしております。
수납팀의 6명은 글로컬 페스티벌에 방문하는 모든 방문객들을 환영합니다.
회장 곳곳에서는 저희가 초대해온 오키나와의 요정 키지무나를 만날 수 있습니다.
여러 나라의 전통의상을 입은 귀여운 키지무나와 사진을 찍어보세요.
이벤트 홀의 타임라인・데코레이션을 통해선 각국의 크리스마스로 부터 정월까지의 보내는 법을 소개하고 있으니, 부디 여러 문화에 접하는 글로컬한 시간을 보내주세요, 입장구에서 기다리고 있겠습니다.

The Communication Team is a team that facilitates communication between festival visitors and international students. In particular, we are in charge of connecting children and international students. We prepare stamp rallies and other activities to create opportunities to talk with people from various countries. Each member of Glocal will be wearing a name card with the flag of their country around their neck on the day of the festival, so please come and talk to them!
커뮤니케이션 팀은 페스티벌에 오시는 분들과 유학생 간의 소통을 촉진하기 위한 팀입니다. 특히 아이들과 유학생들을 연결하는 역할을 맡고 있습니다. 다양한 나라 사람들과 이야기할 기회를 만들기 위해 스탬프 랠리 등을 준비하고 있습니다. 행사 당일에는 각 글로컬 멤버들이 자국 국기가 달린 이름표를 목에 걸고 있으니, 편하게 말을 걸어주세요!

Hi peeps, we are X-JIN, exhibition team from the glocal festival. Finally, glocal festival is back. we have a lot of exhibitors you can visit there. one of our job is to communicate with the exhibitors and decorate their booths. We can't wait to see you all guys and come to our exhibitions and booths at the glocal festival. so stay tuned on our instagram. see you soon, peeps.
Olá pessoal, somos X-JIN, uma equipe de exposição do festival glocal. Finalmente, o festival glocal está de volta. Temos muitas exposições que vocês podem visitar lá. Um dos nossos trabalhos é comunicar com os expositores e decorar os seus stands. Mal podemos esperar para ver todos vocês e para que venham ver as nossas exposições e estandes no festival glocal. Então fique ligado no nosso Instagram. Vejo vocês em breve pessoal.

Human Library
The Human Library at the Ryudai Glocal Festival is a space where guests can speak to people from around the world. Our Library's main goal is to facilitate human connection and understanding through communication. Here, exchange students and special presenters share presentations about their experiences, cultural practices and societal problems. Guests are welcome to come, learn and ask questions to deepen their understanding of the world !

On the stage, you can experience dance and music with a touch of Chanpuru culture and feel the connection between Okinawa and the rest of the world! (We are now accepting applications for stage performers! Please apply now!)
The stage team is working hard to prepare for the day of the event! Everything is done to please everyone who attends!
We invite you to join us on our exotic stage! Please come and join us!
在舞台上,您可以体验带有 Chanpuru 文化色彩的舞蹈和音乐,感受冲绳与世界的联系! (我们正在招募舞台表演者! 请立即报名)
舞台团队也在努力准备活动当天的草案和日程安排! 所有这些都是为了让每一位参加者都能满意!
我们诚邀您加入我们的异国舞台! 请来加入我们吧
No palco, vocês podem experimentar dança e música com um toque da cultura Chanpuru e sentir a conexão entre Okinawa e o resto do mundo! (Agora estamos aceitando inscrições para artistas de palco! Por favor, inscreva-se agora!) A equipe de palco está trabalhando duro para se preparar para o dia do evento! Tudo é feito para agradar a todos que comparecem! Convidamos vocês a se juntarem a nós em nosso palco exótico! Por favor, venham e se juntem a nós!

Hello everyone!We are the Chinese Culture Group. We are glad to have the opportunity to promote Chinese culture and promote cultural exchanges between China and Japan.
First of all, we have prepared delicious food from China. There are meat- stuffed from Shaanxi Province, spicy mixed dishes from the Chinese northeastern provinces, brown sugar glutinous rice cakes from Sichuan Province, milk tea from Hong Kong, and delicious candy from Taiwan.
We will show a very magical magic show, and anyone who is interested can play together. It will definitely shock you.
We also have Chinese calligraphy exhibitions. If you are interested, you can also experience our calligraphy culture.
We have also collected many differences between Japanese Kanji and Chinese characters, which is very interesting. The same Chinese characters actually have completely different meanings!
Let's look forward to it together! Welcome everyone to join us.
Glocal Festival
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